

Are you an entrepreneur or business professional with a specific skillset to offer to small business owners?

Have you ever thought of sharing your wisdom, knowledge and guidance on business and professional challenges to business owners in your own community?

Mentoring is important. Mentors help fill knowledge gaps and seek opportunities to help people grow and excel. As a mentor, your encouragement to someone helps them let down their guard, share their insecurities, and ask the ‘stupid’ questions they sometimes have.

Mentorship roles derive from all areas to grow a successful business. In particular, it’s this community support and involvement that help grow a successful business in New Brunswick.  A mentor’s role will be to assist in targeted areas specified by the mentee. Whether the focus be start up, growth, fundraising, networking or sustainability, mentors will build that partnership and help shape a good image for the mentee in the community.

Oasis is a very good program. We need more entrepreneurs in NB and this is an excellent contribution to the province.

Rick DesBrisay (Mentor)

As a Mentor you will:

  • Nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs.
  • Benefit from sharing your wisdom, guidance and knowledge on business and professional challenges.
  • Connect your mentee with the business community.
  • Make a difference and contribute to community prosperity.

Contact Us

Emily Richard
Entrepreneurial Services Advisor
